ALL NEW- Free Masterclass for Parents to Repair the Relationship and Build and Unbreakable Bond!

A Therapist's Approach To Parenting

Proven, Brain Based and Emotional Health Focused Parenting Solutions for your school age kids and teens. 


Parenting the Growing Child Can Be Challenging

and we are here to help you navigate the ups and downs of the pre-puberty and puberty years (and beyond).


The preteen years are terrible! 


Moving towards and into the teen years can be challenging...

AND it is a critical developmental period.

As your child moves away from toddlerhood and the pre-school years, and into the early school years and beyond, there are some MAJOR changes happening in their body and brain...

IN FACT the brain is moving into it's largest growth phase since infancy.

They are reaffirming that they are in fact separate from you and they need to practice navigating challenges without you and this means:

  • more pushing against your limits
  • more peer-led behavior 
  • developing bodies and growing emotional areas of the brain means more intensity for them (and you)
  • they need you MORE now, but it's no longer straightforward 
  • survival dictates they separate which means a bigger attitude
  • a decrease in affection given (this is a test!)
At the Parenting Therapist, we support parents and caregivers of children 6+ in overcoming challenging behaviors, and preparing for the struggles of adolescence and adulthood, without yelling, bribing or punishing so you can deepen your connection and meet their growing emotional needs. 

Handle the most triggering parenting moments, and raise confident and healthy children with less struggle and more connection.

Current Program & Workshops

3 Steps to Repair Connection After You Lose Your Cool


Harmony at Home: Parenting Without Yelling & Punishment


Living CALM: Our Signature Brain Based- Emotional Health Focused Parenting Course 


" Along with all the shifts in my patience, letting go of perfection, learning to breathe to center myself, and showing up in a different way for my kids, the thing that has had the greatest impact on me is having a community that I can be a part of, support, get support, learn and grow with. Whether I am connecting in person, (which I have done) or connecting online, it is an amazing community of women all looking to achieve the same thing."

Amanda Luter
Mom of 3 | Art Teacher

Let's Connect on Insta @ParentingTherapistPam

Become Part Of Our Living CALM Parenting Community Now!


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