ALL NEW- Free Masterclass for Parents to Repair the Relationship and Build and Unbreakable Bond!

Hey, I'm Pam Godbois, LICSW & Relationship Coach 

As a neurodivergent therapist, coach, mindfulness guide, and mom, I get what it’s like to have a lot of balls in the air at once, and I am here to help you navigate life's ups and downs and build the skill set you need to thrive.

One of the things I’ve found time and time again is that most busy professionals and stay-at-home moms don’t realize there is a hidden barrier that is keeping them stuck, spinning their wheels and never actually getting to their desired destination.

Whether you are looking to shift your approach in parenting your tween daughter, struggling with your boss, experiencing conflict with your spouse, or wanting to throw in the towel on your business, there is a common denominator. And NO, it’s Not YOU!

But it IS, your thoughts, beliefs, and conditioning that is holding you back and keeping you stuck in conflict, inaction, and fear.

With over 25 years of experience working with individuals and companies, I have helped thousands of people clear what is holding them back from their best life!

The choice is yours, you can choose to keep doing the same things that got you here, OR you can choose a new approach, one that will have you feeling amazing, connected, and confident. (And not that false confidence where we pretend we’ve got this when on the inside we are freaking out…)

By filling out an application you are opening a dialogue to see if working together is a good fit. There is no commitment to work together.

Leave inaction behind, and fill out your application today!



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Two Step

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