Aligned Moms Society

Tired of the Conflict?

Most Busy Moms will tell you that parenting is hard. But it doesn't have to be.

As a matter of fact...

When you become the Newest Member of the Aligned Mom's Membership you will not only get access to all the tips, strategies, and tools from Pam's 25+ years of working with families in a traditional therapy setting, you will also get some really cool bonus material specifically designed for your kids to help them build resilience, process and regulate emotions, reduce worry, stress, and anxiety and so much more. 

So what is this membership all about?

🌸Parenting your kids once they are tweens (& beyond) is different. Because they are different, and you have to approach parenting differently!  It is developmentally appropriate for this change, you are not doing anything wrong, yet. 

💔But if you approach parenting the same way you always have, the same way as when they were toddlers, you will be doing them a disservice.

🚌Not to mention this just leads to more conflict, disrespect and struggles! What I call the Struggle Bus! 

🌼Whether you are fearful of them leaving or worried about them living in your basement when they are 40, they will be going out into the world sooner than you think, and they need to be prepared to navigate relationships, regulate emotions and make healthy choices. This is your job! 

Many moms I work with don’t feel prepared to take on these big milestones alone. This is where the membership comes in! 

🤍 When you are the newest member of the Aligned Mom's Membership you get everything you need to say Peace Out ✌️ to Conflict, Worry, and Disconnection and Hello to collaboration, connection, and positive outcomes.

🩷 You will get access to some of the best-kept parenting and mom self-work strategies and tips out there today!

🤍 You will also get direct access to over 25 years of proven techniques and tools that I used in traditional therapy that you can now use to empower yourself and bring Harmony back to the household! 

🩷 And we all know, You take care of everyone and everything in your household, so the question becomes, who takes care of you...

🤍 Let the AMS be a space where you get your needs met, and get the support & guidance you need to thrive as a mom and a human. 

Join Now! 

🎁 Here’s what’s inside the Aligned Moms Society :

  • The C.A.L.M. Method course: exact step-by-step process to find your inner calm with the proven process to be the mom you know you are meant to be.
  • Weekly live coaching: from yours truly to dive deep into the content, live Q+A and get the support you need
  • 24/7 support: where you have me & the incredible community of like minded moms guiding you, a safe place to ask questions, celebrate your wins and get through obstacles!
  • On the Go App Access: you are a busy mom, the app allows you to access all the content from anywhere at any time. 
  • Expert Guest Workshops: world renown workshops from industry leaders specializing in parenting, mental health, mindset and more
  • New Content Monthly: alongside the C.A.L.M. method course so you can take exactly what you need in the moment
  • Workbooks, PDFs and guides to easily implement into your own life
  • Practices: every month to make healthy decision making, boundary setting and regulation a breeze. 
  • BONUS: Video Vault of all Past Recordings ($297 value)
  • BONUS: Foundations Kickstart Program so you can right away get what you need as soon as you start and the roadmap to get there! ($297 value)

The best part, When you love it and decide to stick around, you don't have to do a thing. Your monthly investment in your family will continue each month until you cancel! If it's not the right fit for right now, no worries, cancellation is easy through your membership account. (I hate those places that make you give them your firstborn just to cancel >> I'm looking at you Planet Fitness...🤡)

$47.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Moms' Membership Customer Service Agreement

This Moms' Membership Customer Service Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into between Pam Godbois Coaching & PJG Training LLC,  ("Company"), and the individual ("Member") who has purchased a membership in the Moms' Membership program (the "Membership"). By purchasing the Membership, the Member agrees to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

1. Membership Fee and Payment:

a. The Member agrees to pay the monthly Membership fee as specified at the time of purchase. Payments will be automatically processed on a monthly basis using the payment method provided by the Member.

b. In the event that a payment is not successfully processed, the Company's software system will automatically make up to three (3) additional attempts to collect the payment within a reasonable period.

2. Cancellation and Access Termination:

a. The Member may cancel their Membership at any time without any commitment. Cancellation requests must be submitted through the designated channels provided by the Company.

b. Upon cancellation, the Member will continue to have access to the Membership benefits until the end of the current payment period. Access will be terminated at the time the next payment would have been due.

3. Refunds:

a. The Company does not provide partial or prorated refunds for any portion of the Membership fee paid for the current month or any previous months.

b. Refunds will not be provided for any unused portion of the Membership fee upon cancellation, whether such cancellation is initiated by the Member or the Company.

4. Communication:

a. The Member agrees to provide accurate and up-to-date contact and payment information to the Company.

b. The Company may communicate with the Member regarding the Membership, including but not limited to, billing, benefits, updates, and changes, via email, phone, or other appropriate means.

5. Changes to Terms:

a. The Company reserves the right to modify the terms of this Agreement, including Membership fees, payment processing, and cancellation policies. Changes will be communicated to the Member via email or other appropriate means.

6. Limitation of Liability:

a. The Company shall not be liable for any losses or damages incurred by the Member as a result of payment processing issues, cancellation of access, or any other circumstances related to the Membership.

7. Governing Law:

a. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Hampshire, USA.

8. Entire Agreement:

a. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Member and the Company with respect to the Membership and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, or representations, whether oral or written.

By purchasing the Moms' Membership, the Member acknowledges that they have read and understood this Agreement, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions.


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