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$1 Trial - 30 Days

On the fence about whether this membership is the right one for you? 

Now you can test it out for a full 30 days for an investment of $1. 🤯

🌸Parenting your kids once they are tweens (& beyond) is different. Because they are different, and you have to approach parenting differently!  It is developmentally appropriate for this change, you are not doing anything wrong, yet. 

💔But if you approach parenting the same way you always have, the same way as when they were toddlers, you will be doing them a disservice.

🌼Whether you are fearful of them leaving or worried about them living in your basement when they are 40, they will be going out into the world sooner than you think, and they need to be prepared to navigate relationships, regulate emotions and make healthy choices. This is your job! 

Many moms I work with don’t feel prepared to take on these big milestones alone. This is where the membership comes in! 

🤍 When you are the newest member of the Aligned Mom's Membership you get everything you need to say Peace Out ✌️ to Conflict, worry, and disconnection and Hello to collaboration, connection, and positive outcomes.

🤍 You will get access to some of the best-kept parenting and mom self-work strategies and tips out there today!

🤍 You will also get direct access to over 25 years of proven techniques and tools that I used in traditional therapy that you can now use to empower yourself and bring Harmony back to the household! 

🩷 And we all know, You take care of everyone and everything in your household, so the question becomes, who takes care of you...

🤍 Let the AMM be a space where you get your needs met, and get the support & guidance you need to thrive as a mom, and a human. 

Join Now! 

When you love it and decide to stick around, you don't have to do a thing. Your monthly investment in your family will be paid the same way your trial was paid! If it's not the right fit for right now, no worries, cancellation is easy through your member account.